Planting Hope: One ‘Bulb’ at a Time
At a time when people here in Los Angeles and around world all are trying to cope with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Medici looks to inspire optimism with his
#PlantHope series.
Medici’s light “bulbs” are used as a metaphor for planting an idea, like hope. The envisions passersby who see the art works will take a photo and share across their social platforms with the hashtag #planthope.
“You plant a bulb, and something grows,” says Medici. “Together, we all can grow hope by sharing, albeit virtually.”
With glow in the dark lettering, these art pieces are visible at night as well.
Organic Portraits: Life on the Street in LA
We see it all around us. People living on the street. We walk past them and look away. But who are these people? What got them to this place in their life?
This concept always piqued George Medici’s curiosity.
A few years ago Medici struck up a conversation with a homeless man at a Starbucks in Studio City. He knew he was homeless because he would often see this man lug his tent (which he uses to sleep in a nearby park), computer and large suitcase full of clothes to the coffee shop. What really caught his attention was that this man was generally at ease with his situation, spending each day talking to patrons (he has many friends), scouring the Internet or writing computer code (yes, he’s a very smart guy, too).
Needless to say, Medici is friends with this man today, who has since moved back home with this parents in 2019. But there are many other people like the man at Starbucks, 58,000 in LA alone.
Organic Portraits: Life on the Street in LA, Medici looks to depict homelessness in Los Angeles while revealing the humanity behind each unique individual. He plans to present these photos (taken by him only using his smart phone) in a larger format, so stay tuned for more updates.